Agile Myths Series 1 - Agile Equals No Documentation

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Agile Myths Series 1 - Agile Equals No Documentation

Agile Myths Series 1 - Agile Equals No Documentation

Many Agile Practitioners assume that Agile considers little to no documentation. This myth stems from the Agile Manifesto's statement, "Working software over comprehensive documentation." People often misinterpret this to mean that Agile practices ignore documentation. But this is far from the truth. Agile does emphasize working software, but it also values readable and valuable documentation. So, let's decode this myth with facts!

Common Myths Related To Agile Documentation:

Before you understand why documentation is required in Agile, let’s first review the common myths people have about Agile Documentation:

Myth 1: Agile Documentation Is Minimal

While Agile does not produce extensive documents, it does not mean minimal documentation. Agile focuses on creating the right amount of valuable documentation.

Myth 2: Agile Documentation Is Informal

Agile documentation can be formal and structured. Clear and organized documentation of User Stories, Acceptance Criteria, and Test Cases helps ensure consistency among the Scrum Team.

Myth 3: Agile Teams Do Not Document Technical Details

Agile Teams document technical details through automated tests and other means. These documents are living artifacts that validate the system's behavior.

Why Do People Believe Agile Equals No Documentation?

The primary cause is the misinterpretation of the Agile Manifesto. Yes! The Agile Manifesto first highlights the priority of working software and then mentions comprehensive documentation. So, it highlights the need for documentation that serves a purpose and supports the development process. Agile practitioners focus on creating clear and valuable documentation rather than excessive and cumbersome documentation. So, Agile Practices prefer avoiding waste and keeping the documentation direct and worthwhile for the project development.

The Reality: Agile Requires Effective Documentation

So, when do Agile Practitioners require adequate documentation? How does it help the Agile Teams? Let’s discuss the use cases or requirements for having Agile Documentation!

Documentation Follows Conversations

In Agile, documentation happens after conversations. Agile practitioners hold discussions to ensure everyone understands the requirements and goals. These conversations lead to agreements, which are then documented. This approach ensures that documentation reflects fundamental understanding and agreements made during the discussions.

Documentation Includes Examples and Test Cases

Agile documentation often includes examples and test cases. These help clarify requirements and reduce ambiguity. For instance, user stories are accompanied by acceptance criteria and test cases. This practice ensures that everyone clearly understands what needs to be done and how success will be measured.

Different Types of Documentation In Agile:

As you now know, when Agile practitioners require relevant documentation, here are the most used document types for different Agile projects and teams!

  • Requirements Documentation: Traditional projects try to define all requirements upfront, which often leads to issues later. Agile projects, however, recognize that requirements evolve. Agile documentation is iterative, focusing on small requirements at a time. This approach allows stakeholders to see and use what is being built, providing feedback early and often.
  • User Stories and Acceptance Criteria: User Stories are central to requirements documentation in Agile. Each User Story includes pre-defined Acceptance Criteria that define how the story will be validated, built, and tested.
  • Technical Documentation: Technical documentation in Agile includes unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests. These tests serve as living documentation, providing detailed insights into the system's behavior. They are constantly validated to remain accurate.
  • Unit Tests and Integration Tests: Unit tests validate individual components, while integration tests check the interactions between components. Agile teams can automate both tests to maintain the system's functionality. This practice helps maintain high-quality code and ensures that changes do not introduce new issues.
  • Acceptance Test-Driven Development: Stakeholders are responsible for defining the Acceptance Tests for technical and non-technical team members. ATDD documentation helps the Agile teams maintain the work progress per stakeholders' expectations.

Thus, Agile Documentation clarifies Work Items and Product Increments for Developers and other Scrum Team members. Agile teams use different types of documentation to keep everyone on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and helping the team work more effectively.

What’s Your Viewpoint Now?

Agile equals no documentation – It’s just a myth! Agile emphasizes creating valuable, readable, and helpful documentation. In Agile, documentation is not an afterthought. This documentation supports the development process and ensures that teams can build and maintain high-quality software. As an Agile Leader, you should encourage your Agile teams to utilize such documentation practices and see how that transforms the project’s progress! So, remember, Agile documentation is about both quality and effectiveness.




Is a passionate learner and blogger on Agile, Scrum and Scaling areas. She has been following and practicing these areas for several years and now converting those experiences into useful articles for your continuous learning.