Learning never stops with a training class. And that too when you register for a PremierAgile certification class. We are bringing you exclusive learning events on Wednesdays, and that too for free. Our PremierWednesday learning events are in the form of Webinars, Meet-ups, Online training sessions, Mentoring sessions, Case-studies, Debates etc. We hope these will help you in your continuous learning pursuit, knowledge acquisition and career growth.
Join Suresh Konduru, CST, for an exclusive 1-hour FREE training session designed to help you master Scrum principles and practices. This interactive training will empower you to lead Agile teams effectively and drive meaningful results.
Spots are limited — Register Now to secure your spot!
Speaker: Suresh Konduru, CST
We are always pleased to hear positive feedback about our courses. Here are some of the testimonials we've received from individuals and companies.