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Scrum Master

Through this list of questions from PremierAgile, you can enhance your knowledge of the basic topics expected in the interview. A Scrum Master facilitates a Scrum Team and helps information-sharing to improve efficiencies. Because the role is crucial to the organization's performance, the selection process may be difficult, and you'll need to prepare thoroughly for the Scrum Master interview. Let us begin by looking at the expert-curated list and most frequently asked questions in Scrum Master interviews.

  • 38 Question(s)
  • 30 Mins of Read
  • 1000 Reader(s)
Empiricism means decisions are made on the basis of facts, experience, and evidence. Scrum is an empirical process framework in which decisions and improvements are based on observations and real data.

In general, the duration of a Sprint is determined by the criticality of the feedback required on the product, timeline of the project eetc. However, the maximum duration of a Sprint is 30 days. The Developers allocate specific work hours each day and predict at what capacity they can work to achieve the goal in the given weeks.

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the leader serves. Unlike traditional leadership, where the primary goal of the leader is to focus only on the success of the organization, a servant leader shares power, decision making, the needs and requirements of the employees, and helps them perform as a high-productive team.

An Epic is a body of work that can be divided into smaller functionalities. User Stories are customer or end-user needs/requests described from a user’s perspective. Epics can be broken into User Stories; both are valuable for Agile product development.

Scrumban is an Agile project management methodology that describes hybrids of Scrum and Kanban. It was created as a way to transition from Scrum to Kanban.

  • To help the Stakeholders and team members to understand and enact Scrum and empirical Product Development.
  • To cause change that enhances the productivity of the Scrum Team.
  • To lead and coach organizations in its Scrum adoption
  • To work with other Scrum Masters to strengthen the effectiveness of the Scrum application in the organization.

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